About Me
In ways I am still coming to understand, my life was profoundly shaped by the death of my eldest brother when I was 7.
He was 14.
That tragic event literally blew my world apart, when parents divorced, siblings were split between households, and I was required to adjust to new partners and neighborhoods.
With my parents reeling from their profound loss, my basic needs were still met, but I was left to make sense of these cataclysmic changes on my own. Luckily my early interest in Yoga and dance were life savers for me. Both anchored me in my body and provided a healthy means of channelling energies that might otherwise have led me down more destructive paths.
Meditation was another saving grace that entered my life at an early age, and all three disciplines have remained lifelong allies. But even though I was aware I had skeletons in the closet, I was unwilling, unable, or simply unaware of how to process their impact. Instead, I pursued my interests with zeal, teaching Yoga at 15 and doing Vipassana retreats at 16, which marked me among my peers as a target of some ridicule and fascination, adding to my sense of being different.

When I married at 19, I understood it was a bid for safety and belonging, and I did it anyway. I willingly morphed myself into being a good wife, a respectable daughter-in-law, student and then breadwinner. But after 7 years of keeping up appearances and the onset of an emotional breakdown, I realized I’d constructed a life putting my husband’s needs first, I left the marriage to live on my own for the first time.
Luckily, my need for recognition helped me attain a leadership position in the burgeoning field of telecommunications at the age of 25. With no prior management experience or education (I had a degree in dance!), I moved to Montreal and grew the company revenue by 300% by positioning the company as a preferred supplier for hospitals and universities. Being the first female to hold the position of Regional Director in the company’s 100-year history, I was feted and rewarded at the company’s UK head office for my novelty and success in a male-dominated world.
Packaged out at 33, I used the opportunity to return to university to get a Master’s degree in Organizational Development. After a brief stint with a top tier consulting firm, I struck out on my own to become an entrepreneur for over 30 years. I happily spent 20 years as faculty for a certificate program for aspiring OD consultants. Simultaneously, I provided leadership coaching, conflict resolution mediation, and numerous customized strategic projects and leadership development courses. I worked hard to earn a position of trusted advisor, leading to periods of burnout, and at times physical breakdown.
At the age of 60 I once again turned my attention to healing my past wounds. My discovery and study of mind-body techniques such as EFT Tapping, and Biofield Tuning brought about such profound relief I dedicated myself to helping others with these powerful tools.
I am still on my healing journey, integrating a lifetime of lessons, experiences, and uncovering hidden gifts. I feel profoundly blessed to offer others the possibility to transform their life experiences into healing, by creating a safe space for understanding and compassionate self-acceptance.
Witnessing others and assisting in their transformational growth is the passion of my lifetime.