Tune Into Your Inner Wisdom

How in tune do you feel? Regain your sense of harmony and coherence.

Biofield Tuning (BT) is the brainchild of Eileen McKusick. Her two fascinating books recount her discovery, theories, and research into how sound and frequency can effect healing. I am repeatedly amazed at how using tuning forks, even remotely, can reveal subtle blockages and then release them. With roots dating back to Hindu and Egyptian cultures, sound and vibration are once again being recognized as the future for medicine.

What Happens During a Tuning SESSION?

  • Tunings are conducted remotely, while you lay comfortably in your own home
  • The forks first help you ground and sink into a parasympathetic state; necessary for healing to occur
  • A major part of being tuned is to become realigned along your north-south axis, and to recharge your battery
  • Tuning harmonizes you to the earth’s heartbeat ~ 7.83 Hz, and Theta brain waves; the key to your subconscious
  • Your body’s intelligence directs our focus, informed by the Biofield Anatomy Map (click to open the map).
  • We comb your field starting at the outer edge, corresponding with your inception
  • The forks sound discordant when stuck energy is encountered in your field, which mirrors physical blocks and symptoms
  • We feed sound into the block until the tone becomes coherent, dissipating it; resonance frees your energy on all levels
  • Often insight into the nature of the block arises, resulting in deeper understanding, self-compassion and forgiveness

Self-Care During and After a Tuning

You are encouraged to…

  • Drink a glass of water before and after your tuning session.
  • Lay down a few minutes before the tuning begins.
  • Take a 20 minute Epsom salt bath within 24 hours, if possible. A foot bath is also helpful.  (Important: After an Epsom salt bath, rinse thoroughly with fresh water to avoid dehydration.)
  • The release of the previously stuck energy can feel like a detoxification. Be gentle with yourself if you experience this release physically, mentally, or emotionally.

In this YouTube video, Eileen explains how tuning works at a distance.

Many clients find being tuned to be a mystical experience, sometimes defying explanation. And they invariably feel lighter, clearer and better in significant ways.

Client Testimonials

Sandra is amazing!!! You have to work with her! Her warm, gentle and loving disposition is so special, and she is incredibly gifted in this work. 

I came to Sandra to work on healing parts of myself that I felt needed energetic support and other conventional methods of therapy weren’t working for me anymore. After my first tuning session I was hooked. During the session I felt so deeply relaxed and could feel the healing happening at such a profound level. After the session I noticed changes in my life happening immediately! Tuning quickly became a regular part of my healing journey and there’s no one I’d rather do it with than Sandra. I always appreciate her very thoughtful check ins post session and am blown away by her intuitive gifts! Working with Sandra is a true gift!

– Giulia H., Vancouver, BC

After Sandra’s Tuning sessions I truly felt clarified, refreshed, & joyful. I was impressed with Sandra’s deep intuitive interpretations of the sounds from the Tuning Forks. She ‘tuned in’ to events in my life& her insights, & wisdom in turn, allowed me to reach a new clarity.

– Mai Aru, Clothing Designer, Toronto, ON

I was amazed with the profound and unexpected trip down memory lane, which helped me to uncover deeply hidden fears from some very early childhood traumas. Sandra’s loving attention and pragmatic approach was instrumental in healing aspects of my past that I didn’t even know I needed! I am always amazed at the things that come up to awareness for acceptance and release during a biofield tuning session.

– Andrew B., Valparaiso, Indiana, USA

Sandra is a natural healer! She has opened my eyes and heart to the power of tuning and how this healing modality can make substantive shifts. I have had and will continue to have sessions with Sandra to make meaningful shifts. Thank you Sandra!

– Tim Magwood, Co-Founder & Partner of 1-DEGREE/Shift, Toronto, ON

I had two Biofield Tuning sessions with Sandra and both times I experienced palpable, immediate results. After both sessions I felt more clear, composed and my energy levels were renewed. Batteries recharged! Furthermore, Sandra’s intuition is developed and the insights she perceives during the tuning are on point. I had my last BT session 2 days ago and am already looking forward to the next one 😄 Highly recommend!

– Cristian S., SEO Specialist, Montreal, QC

Book a Free Discovery Call

The aim of EFT and BT is to discharge unprocessed emotions using mind/body techniques that access the subconscious, conscious and super conscious mind. Both modalities are built upon Acupuncture and Meridians from the extensively researched field of Traditional Chinese Medicine. While these Alternative and Complementary methods continue to be researched, their use is spreading rapidly because of their effectiveness and safety.

All new clients participate in an Intake Call, to understand their needs and ascertain whether EFT or BT is a good match.

If you are interested in exploring whether Tapping or Tuning are right for you, please feel free to request a 15 minute Discovery Call. If you’re still interested, we schedule a more in-depth Intake Call.

To set-up a Discovery Call, please fill in the form and I will get back to you.